Interested in the history of the Adornes’ family ?

Municipal Archives

Bruges’ Municipal Archives are one of the most important in Europe. They consist of something like six kilometres of shelving. The staff collect, preserve, classify and make an inventory of the items so as to make them available to the public.

In addition to the documents that originate from the city’s administration, the Municipal Archives also house various private and family archives. The Adornes archive is one of the most important and most extensive family archives. The oldest items go back to the 14th century. The heart of the archive consists of documents that our family has been entrusting to the Municipal Archives since 1946. The documents are also important to the history of the Jerusalem Chapel and the almshouses. In 1987 and 1989 a two-part inventory was compiled so that the archive is accessible for further research.

If you are curious about the history of the Adornes family and would like to consult items from our archives, feel free to call in at the Municipal Archives.

Are you carrying out research into the Adornes family for a publication? If so, contact Jan D'Hondt, head archivist at the Municipal Archives. He will be glad to help you with your search.

We are giving you a helping hand on this website by including a list of major Adornes publications.


Jan D'Hondt
Head Archivist, City of Bruges
Burg 11, box A
8000 Bruges
Tel: +32 (0)50 44 82 60 (web site only available in NL)


Here you will find a bibliography of some of the articles, literature, books, photographs and others used as information.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

On the Adornes family and estate

Jan Dumolyn & Noël Geirnaert, 2024: A Celestial Jerusalem in Bruges, The Adornes Estate and the Jerusalem Chapel (ENG/FR/NL)

Nadine Mai, 2021: Jerusalem-Transformationen, Die Brügger Jerusalemkapelle und die monumentale Nachbildung der Heiligen Stätten um 1500 (DE).

Veronique Lambert, 2018: The Adornes Domain & The Jerusalem Chapel in Bruges. A Unique Heritage of the Middle Ages. AUP NL (ENG/FR/NL).

C. De Maegd, 2017: Het Adornesdomein in Brugge (I) en (II), in Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen (nr. 195 & 196). Le Domaine Adornes à Bruges (I) et (II), in Demeures Historiques et Jardins (n°. 195 & 196)

N. Geirnaert, 2014: Anselm Adornes en zijn Jeruzalembedevaart. Basis en inspiratie voor het werk van Rombout de Doppere.

N. Geirnaert, 2002, in Vlaanderen. Jaargang 51. Christelijk Vlaams Kunstenaarsverbond: Anselm Adornes (1424-1483): Koopman, aristocraat, bedevaarder en avonturier. Een Bruggeling met Italiaanse wortels en Schotse connecties. 

N. Geirnaert, 1983: Adornes en Jeruzalem: internationaal leven in het 15de- en 16de-eeuwse Brugge.

N. Geirnaert, 1989: Het archief van de familie Adornes en de Jeruzalemstichting te Brugge, I Inventaris.

N. Geirnaert, 1989: Het archief van de familie Adornes en de Jeruzalemstichting te Brugge, II Regesten van de oorkonden en brieven tot en met 1500.

J. Heers et G. De Groër, 1978 : Itinéraire d'Anselme Adorno en Terre sainte (1470-1471). Texte édité, traduit et annoté

E. de la Coste, 1855 : Anselme Adorne, Sire de Corthuy, Pèlerin de Terre-Sainte : sa famille, sa vie, ses voyages et son temps, récit historique.

J. Gaillard, 1843 : Recherches historiques sur l’Eglise de Jérusalem à Bruges, suivies de données historiques sur la famille du fondateur.

On the evolution of faith, christianity and veneration of Jerusalem

J. van Herwaarden, 1983: Geloof en geloofsuitingen in de late Middeleeuwen in de Nederlanden: Jeruzalembedevaarten, lijdensdevotie en kruiswegverering. 

G. Bresc-Bautier, 1974 : Les imitations du Saint-Sépulcre de Jérusalem (IXe – XVe siècles), Archéologie d’une dévotion, in Revue d’Histoire de la Spiritualité,50.

Nadine Mai, 2016 : Creation of the Sacred. Notes on the Jerusalem Chapel in Bruges and its relic of the True Cross, in  Handelingen van het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis de Brugge 153.2, S. 266–284

Nadine Mai, 2017 : Place and Surface: Golgatha in Late Medieval Bruges, in Natural Materials of the Holy Land and the Visual Translation of Place, 500–1500, hg. von Renana Bartal, Neta Bodmer and Bianca Kühnel, Basingstoke 2017, S. 190-206

Nadine Mai : Leid und Licht. Strategien der Imagination in der Jerusalemkapelle zu Brügge, in Orte der Imagination. Räume des Affekts. Die mediale Formierung des Sakralen (1100-1600), hg. v. Heike Schlie und Elke Koch, Göttingen, S. 163-194.

On 15th-century art history

C. Périer-D’Ieteren, 2012 : Deux vidimus flamands oubliés du XVe siècle: les dessins Adornes, in Revue de l’Art n°178/2012-4 

G. Vanthuyne, 1991-1992, Diss. Lic. Kunstgeschiedenis en oudheidkunde: De evolutie van het Jeruzalemcomplex te Brugge van de 15de eeuw tot op heden.

Nico Blontrock – Véronique de Limburg Stirum – Jelle Deltombe – Noël Geirnaert – Frederik Roelens – Luc Rossen – Guenevere Souffreau – Katrien Van De Vijver, 2022: Anselm Adornes & Margareta van der Banck, Het grafmonument - Le monument funéraire, The Funerary Monument (Published by Adornesdomein)